Kossuth Artesian Well – posted by Jason Johnson

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Just an FYI, I sent the water from Kossuth Artesian Well on HWY Q just north of 310 to Ward Labs for analysis and thought I’d share the results. If anyone wants to do Manitowoc, Two Rivers, or other water sources. The cost is only $16.50 and you get the results in about 2 days after they get your sample. I have been brewing with this water for the past few batches and I really like it. I have to add that they have all been pale ales, and I learned that because of the sulfate level, the bitterness is more subdued, which is what I like. I love the hop flavor and aroma, and the bitterness is softer. That is the affect this water has on the beer’s profile. As a matter of fact, one of the beers I brewed with this water took 2 awards 1st in American IPA’s and 3rd in American Pale Ales.

pH: 7.1
Total Dissolved Solids: 398
Electrical Conductivity: .66
Cations/Anions: 8.3/7.8

Sodium, Na: 10
Potassium, K: 1
Calcium, Ca: 87
Magnesium, Mg: 42
Total Hardness: 393
Nitrate, NO3-N: 0.6
Sulfate as SO4-S: 27
Sulfate as SO4: 81
Chloride, Cl: 19
Carbonate, Co3: <1
Bicarbonate, HC03: 340
Total Alkalinity, CaCO3: 278

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